
We would like to honor or thank people  for their support of Compassion Ministry Silicon Valley.

Robert Ferguson

Robert Ferguson

Ross Parlette

Robert Barrett

Tungrei Chen in honor of his parents Shaw-Geeu Dawn and Trua Hing Dawn

Tungrei Chen's parents migrated from the Fujian area of the mainland to the island of Taiwan (known as Formosa) in the late 18th century (after 1760’s), during the era when the Qing Dynasty ruled the mainland. Shaw-Geeu Dawn, Mr. Chen’s father, and Trua-Hing Dawn, Mr. Chen’s mother, raised eight children (three sons and five daughters). Shaw-Geeu Dawn, was a teacher and encouraged all his children to obtain an education. Trua-Hing Dawn, also was supporting them to obtain an education. Many times, Mr. Chen’s mother would save her portion of the scarce rationings of food to ensure that her children received the most nutrition. Both parents made many efforts throughout their life to raise the children. Mr. Chen is very grateful to his parents for all their encouragement.