New Community of Faith November 18, 2018

Playlist for this week:

See the YouTube channel for the playlist, or refer to:

Note that this playlist contains fewer songs than other playlists. It is modified from the November 11, 2018 playlist.

Optional, humor: Pre-prelude playlist:

Please scroll to "<<< November 18, 2018 >>>" below to bypass the content that appears every month.

New Community of Faith YouTube channel

See the channel for Hawaiian beach scenes and Tiki Bar lounge music.

To modify these notes, log in as

Then choose "sites" from the list of Google services. Choose the second site listed.

In order to add a playlist, do the following:

- launch YouTube

- select "Sign out" from the icon in the upper right

- select "Sign in" and choose

- when presented with the choice "Use YouTube as...," choose New Community of Faith.

- navigate to home, select a video, hit the "+" sign, and you should see a list of previous playlists

- you can now add the new playlist, and it will include the video

Videos to insert between songs in playlist for switching songs: "10 hours and 1 second of pure black screen!" or similar titles (a short time)

The playlist starts with

"Alan Jackson - Precious Memories (Gospel Songs)" to play before the prelude

and ends with

"Peaceful and Relaxing Hymns" - to play after the service

Optional Sound checks - see pre-prelude play list above

"Cell Phone Policy: Cell Phones in Church"

(c) copyright 2011 Michael J. Cahill

"Walk on the Wild Side"

Brook Benton, Munrows Retro

"Our God" - Service Opener

Ben Giese

Other material:

"Moses Goes Down to Egypt"

sung by Louie Armstrong, video by Nina Paley

Technical: Suggest using HDMI cable to the TV using JeterHotspot from Pixel 2 XL as the hotspot.

Or can try using the school WiFi, but there can be drop outs.

Use WINDOW-KEY p to switch monitors.


<<< November 18, 2018 >>>

From Speaker Lauren Hotchkiss:

Hi again, All,

Here is the Bulletin for Sunday. It is a final draft unless anyone has any concerns.

Rich, here are YouTube videos to use for the new recorded music. I have chosen music with vocals, as I've noticed the congregation often founders when they don't have a strong lead vocal to follow.

We are a Gentle, Angry People

(I couldn't find a good video with lyrics, so a lyric sheet is attached).

Jesus Remember Me

(the lyrics are simply "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom" over and over so no lyric-enhanced video or lyric sheet is necessary.

Looking for'ard,


Lauren Renée Hotchkiss, MDiv, MA

Musician, Member in Discernment, Grace North Church, Berkeley

Resident Chaplain Intern, UCSF Medical Center

Member in Discernment, Northern California Nevada Conference, UCC



Order of Service 11/18/2018

New Community of Faith Order of Service


Gathering Music Rich and Tito

Prelude: “Welcome to the Love of God” Lauren

(by Lauren Renée Hotchkiss)

Welcome and Announcements

Passing of the Peace

Call to Worship: Lauren

One: Let us remember

All: For none that are remembered are forgotten

One: Let history not be rewritten

All: Lest those of worth be erased

One: And let us have faith

All: That God’s will triumph in us

Opening Hymn “We are a Gentle Angry People” Rich and Tito

(Holly Near)


Prayers of the Community

Scripture Reading Matthew 25:31-45

Message: “Lest We Forget” Lauren

Response “Must it Always be This Way” Lauren

(Lauren Renée Hotchkiss)

Call to Offering

Offertory: “God is Still Speaking” Lauren

(by Lauren Renée Hotchkiss)

Doxology: #780 Rich and Tito Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God for all that love has done;

Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One

Dedication of the Gifts Lauren

Closing Hymn (Insert): Jesus Remember Me Rich and Tito (Jacques Berthier)

Benediction: Lauren

Closing Circle “Sing Shalom”

Shalom, my friends,

Shalom, my friends

Shalom, shalom

Till we meet again

Till we meet again

Shalom, shalom

Postlude Rich and Tito