New Community of Faith February 25, 2018

Playlist for this week:

See the YouTube channel for the playlist, or refer to:

Pre-prelude playlist:

Please scroll to "<<< February 25, 2018 >>>" below to bypass the content that appears every month.

New Community of Faith YouTube channel

See the channel for Hawaiian beach scenes and Tiki Bar lounge music.

To modify these notes, log in as

Then choose "sites" from the list of Google services. Choose the second site listed.

In order to add a playlist, do the following:

- launch YouTube

- select "Sign out" from the icon in the upper right

- select "Sign in" and choose

- when presented with the choice "Use YouTube as...," choose New Community of Faith.

- navigate to home, select a video, hit the "+" sign, and you should see a list of previous playlists

To insert between songs in playlist: "10 hours and 1 second of pure black screen!" or similar titles

"Alan Jackson - Precious Memories (Gospel Songs)" to play before the prelude

"Spiritual Gospel Music and Relaxing Piano Songs" - to play after the service

Optional Sound checks - see pre-prelude play list above

"Cell Phone Policy: Cell Phones in Church"

(c) copyright 2011 Michael J. Cahill

"Walk on the Wild Side"

Brook Benton, Munrows Retro

"Our God" - Service Opener

Ben Giese

Other material:

"Moses Goes Down to Egypt"

sung by Louie Armstrong, video by Nina Paley

Technical: Suggest using HDMI cable to the TV using JeterHotspot from Pixel 2 XL as the hotspot.

Or can try using the school WiFi.


<<< February 25, 2018 >>>

The Lectionary Reference:

The Collect:

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways,

and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable

truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God,

for ever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 22:22-30

Deus, Deus meus

22 Praise the Lord, you that fear him; *

stand in awe of him, O offspring of Israel;

all you of Jacob's line, give glory.

23 For he does not despise nor abhor the poor in their poverty;

neither does he hide his face from them; *

but when they cry to him he hears them.

24 My praise is of him in the great assembly; *

I will perform my vows in the presence of those who worship him.

25 The poor shall eat and be satisfied,

and those who seek the Lord shall praise him: *

"May your heart live for ever!"

26 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, *

and all the families of the nations shall bow before him.

27 For kingship belongs to the Lord; *

he rules over the nations.

28 To him alone all who sleep in the earth bow down in worship; *

all who go down to the dust fall before him.

29 My soul shall live for him;

my descendants shall serve him; *

they shall be known as the Lord'S for ever.

30 They shall come and make known to a people yet unborn *

the saving deeds that he has done.

See page 913 of NCH (The New Century Hymnal)

Lent 2


Order of Service 2/25/2018

Welcome and Announcements

Prelude: ""


Call to Worship;

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone

astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast

faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ

your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever

and ever. Amen.

Opening Hymn: "" NCH nnn


Prayers of the Community

Lord's Prayer

Offertory: ""


Post Offertory Hymn: Doxology NCH 778

Louis Bourgeois

- note that there is an opening unsung partial verse in the YouTube video. Singing starts at the first full verse.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God for all that love has done;

Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One.

Scripture Reading:

Psalm 22:22-30

22 Praise the Lord, you that fear him; *

stand in awe of him, O offspring of Israel;

all you of Jacob's line, give glory.

23 For he does not despise nor abhor the poor in their poverty;

neither does he hide his face from them; *

but when they cry to him he hears them.

24 My praise is of him in the great assembly; *

I will perform my vows in the presence of those who worship him.

25 The poor shall eat and be satisfied,

and those who seek the Lord shall praise him: *

"May your heart live for ever!"

26 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, *

and all the families of the nations shall bow before him.

27 For kingship belongs to the Lord; *

he rules over the nations.

28 To him alone all who sleep in the earth bow down in worship; *

all who go down to the dust fall before him.

29 My soul shall live for him;

my descendants shall serve him; *

they shall be known as the Lord'S for ever.

30 They shall come and make known to a people yet unborn *

the saving deeds that he has done.

Sermon: ""

Video insert in Sermon:

"Kids Explain Black History Month"

Global Citizen

Silent Meditation

Closing Hymn: "We Shall Overcome" NCH nnn



Closing Circle: "Shalom"

Sung by the congregation


Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God for all that love has done;

Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One.